A little bit about me:
I like old movies, they are a large part of my life. My favorite eras span from the 20's to the early to mid 60's, but I prefer the silents to most everything else. I also really like the noirs from the 40's and the 50's. And I like fluffy romantic things that make me giddy inside. I use the schedule from the Stanford (by far my favorite theatre
http://www.stanfordtheatre.org/stf/) and the Castro to make my plans.
I work for a bookstore I probably read a little too much, a list of my favorite books:
~The Perks of Being a Wallflower
~The Weetize Bat Books
~Survivor/Haunted/etc by Chuck Palahniuk
~Fables graphic novel seires
~Lots of comics
~King Dork
~Please Kill Me
~Ghost World (and other Daniel Clowes stuff)
~There is a lot more, trust me
I like to craft a lot, knitting, sewing, painting, etc...